Submission of Manuscripts
Please submit the LaTeX based PDF or MSWord file of your manuscript via e-mail to <> without authors personel and institutional information. The personel information of all authors including names, institutions and e-mail addresses should also be sent in the same e-mail as a cover page. Remember to write “New Submission” in the subject line of the e-mail.
The corresponding author should also send a list of potential referees (at least three) from different countries.
Please do not forget to state about which editorial board member you choose to connect in your submission e-mail.
It is not necessary to submit the manuscript in the journal format for review process. The accepted papers are required to convert the journal format after double-blind review. The journal templates in both LaTeX and MSWord formats can be found in Documents page.
Publication Charges
The IJEMAPS is open acces journal and has no review or publication process charge.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with IJEMAPS agree to transfer all copyright rights in and to the above work to the IJEMAPS‘ Editorial Board in order to be used to publish the work for nonprofit use in any media or form. In return, authors retain:
- all proprietary rights other than copyright;
- re-use of all or part of the above paper in their other work;
- right to reproduce or authorize others to reproduce the above paper for authors’ personal use or for company use if the source and the IJEMAPS‘ copyright notice is indicated, and if the reproduction is not made for the purpose of sale.
- Copyright form should be signed by all authors for all accepted papers. This form can be downloaded from Documents page.
Please do not hesitate to contact editorial assistant Ms. Demet Solak K. via email <> for any issue.